Active Roster




We are able to support many styles of healthcare clinics.

From the smaller or "solo" to the entrepreneur growing their business to a full IPO plan for the healthcare business. Teaching the future workforce of healthcare as a team experience sees our platform configurable for mentoring and clinical governance in many learning environments.

This enterprise level configuration of the Visual Outcomes healthcare data platform is fully scalable and global in its reach of practice needs.

We appeal to the Entrepreneurial clinician or healthcare practice owners wanting a robust platform for business expansion 

A monthly cost per practitioner is the general approach for features and functions

Costs are mainly kept per practitioner to assist the business in its growth. 

Practitioner users  are those in the practitioner roles across the practice. 

A customer can have as many installations of the application as needed

Are you at the beginning of your clinic career path?


Are you needing a complete financial and data management platform now?


Yes of course we support specialty or single discipline clinics with the set up of Visual Outcomes "Solo" clinic efficiencies

Your partners in success at Visual Outcomes always see a vision of growth as your clinic future!  

"Solo" Ready to Grow

This group of excited professionals in their own healthcare practice is the base of entry point for Visual Outcomes.

Solo is for Business owners who want to now learn to use their software and its business management services to efficiently manage their clinic whilst they grow it. 

"Solo" ready delivers a simpler template for these clinics where 3–5 practitioners are working as one clinic or a number of clinics;same healthcare team. 

"Solo" starts with a template flow that works across the users with a minimum of three practitioners; these templates are not configured to multi-discipline /enterprise level that is discussed at the demo and the best outcome is the focus of these initial demonstrations and discussions.

Monthly fee: US $450/month per practitioner (NOTE the US $450 is the baseline and allows for the first 3 practitioner users) 

Enterprise healthcare is the expertise of our team

Share your vision, and we can partner in supporting it.

A tailored demo can be done after we read through your immediate needs and planning. This will show the immediate value to be realised in selecting Visual Outcomes to support your healthcare business

As an enterprise designed application, Visual Outcomes pricing is according to how it is to be configured for each individual business and clinical style of practice. 

Contact us and describe your business and future plans; we are dedicated to truly partnering with you and your vision.

A mutually successful outcome will take all your needs into consideration. 

Please request a demo and do describe your needs for our team to consider.

We want to check we are the right fit for your needs. 

We can do a demo with a tailoring of the many features and functions that this robust healthcare data management platform offers.

With the Visual Outcomes enterprise approach we prepare a personally tailored presentation for you and your team online.

Visual Outcomes is an investment in your business.