Active Roster



Online Access/Portal

These days, telehealth and online healthcare is a must!  VOiSite is Visual Outcomes online portal; a web-based browser application, accessed from any device as user-secured pre-credentialed.

  • It is more than self-management of bookings and payments online
  • It is built into your website within your clinic rules
  • 24/7 Clinician.Clinic.Client Online
  • Secured Online Access
  • New bookings
  • Payments online
  • Promote clinic classes
  • Peer classes video consultations
  • Client/patient engagement tool
  • Tracking clinical outcomes
  • Interoperability functionalities
  • Load clinical summaries
  • Limit authorized users’ access
  • Set up shared care plans
  • Telehealth/video remote consultations
  • Provider access to own clinic rostering
  • Provider can view today's appointments list
  • Providers can make appointments online
  • Smartphone use/remote clinic appointments
  • Client and clinician ease of communication
  • Load files for the client to see at home
  • Client adds requested information from home
  • Pre-consultation views
  • Portal use is saving time for all
  • Use as a kiosk at reception/self-arrival
  • Arrival screen to see resources/next patient

Patient/client input = VOiSite 
•    Initial Intake and update forms = VOiSite (online/clinic reception kiosk/portal) 
•    Attributes = health profile notes (VOiSite for patient input / Clinical screen for practitioner)
•    Patient-centered outcomes questionnaires (online at regular pre-set intervals)
•    VOiSite = Interactive journey

Privacy and Security statements with acknowledgment signature

Discipline specific Consents 

Outcome Tracking Questionnaires

VOiSite does not hold data itself.  The data is kept on the secured cloud database.

Contact us now and allow us to introduce you to our online Portal, VOiSite