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About Us

Visual Outcome's enterprise multi-disciplinary multi-site software was developed  for the network of clinics owned by Dr Sue-Ellen McKelvey PhD, MBA in Sydney Australia. The integrative model of a focused team approach was already delivering  patient-centered healthcare. The active client was engaged in a portal access from 2009 as to outcomes measures of their healthcare progress and participating in decsion making for their own healthcare journey.  Following demand by other multi-disciplinary and multi-site clinics, Visual Outcomes was established as the first purpose built enterprise healthcare IT platform in Australasia in 2010. Our USA based Visual Outcomes business was established in 2013/14. We have maiintained a global reach of healthcare requirements as a result of this expansion to North America and even a further depth of  understanding with projects in the UK and Europe over the past 10years. The company has a firm road map to see personal health information PHI a security prioroty at all levels as we grow and expand across the domains of world healthcare threats and demands in 2021. We are duly proud of our standards of security of health information data management we have achieved for our enterprise solution software; passing all the stringent requirements for certification across the USA. 

Visual Outcomes is used by more than 200 practices across Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Health professional disciplines using Visual Outcomes include chiropractic, physiotherapy, naturopathy, osteopathy, psychology, podiatry, medical GP, primary care teams, allied health providers, occupational therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, exercise physiology and acupuncture. 

Visual Outcomes is the healthcare clinic software supporting over 8 universities across Australia and USA in their research and teaching clinics. It is the future of healthcare – multi-disciplinary teams working together from day one of learning!

Born from Research… Built for Performance

Sue-Ellen McKelvey CEO says 

  • Visual Outcomes is robust and future ready. This is because we look at the innovative research as to where healthcare is going. 
  • The team brings a 100 year group experience to all that is "leading edge" developments as to what can be done or improved with technology
  •  Company ethos of development is that we are not the "old guard" of healthcare software that turned paper forms into e-forms online. We are the company that sees healthcare as shifting from a process driven system of payment management back to what it is all about: the patient. 
  • It is the patient, or active client who is what healthcare is all about. 
  • Keeping them engaged and showing better outcomes as active decision makers with a team of professionals around them is the future.
  • We continue to develop its data management approach in pace with cloud computing enabling technologies; preparing for new healthcare models and entrepreneurial businesses as they evolve.
  • Visual Outcomes holds a vision for more involvement of online consumers as a client; an active partner in their healthcare team.  
  • We are cognizant that an integrity of data gives good  information for all decisions; Visual Outcomes maintains high principles of data collection flows and  governance across one unified platform.
  • We lean in – listen and understand increasing compliance needs and changes for providers and healthcare business entrepreneurs. 

Our Customers are heard

We are tuned into our customer growth and practice styles. Visual Outcomes brings a combined 90 years of experience across government and private health agencies, secured database management and healthcare practice and patient management. The Visual Outcomes team includes healthcare managers, doctors, financial experts, media and health coach communicators and well qualified IT developers. The team has a deep understanding of the needs of patients, practitioners and their support staff. There is direct dialogue with all our customers - their feedback and input are a real part of our development cycle review.